WordWeb also has access to online references that include Wikipedia, Wiktionary, and WordWeb Online, allowing you to access word definitions on the internet. By default, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + Right Click, but this can be changed in the Preferences. WordWeb provides a keyboard shortcut that allows you to look up any word anywhere on your computer.

Each word is accompanied by synonyms, and where available antonyms (a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word), meronyms (a word that names a part of a larger whole for example, “finger” is a meronym of “hand”), hypernyms (a word that is more generic than a given word for example, “car” or “airplane” are hypernyms for more precise terms like Toyota Camry or Boeing 747), holonyms (a word that names the whole of which a given word is a part for example, “hat” is a holonym for “brim” and “crown”). WordWeb is a free dictionary program for Windows that provides a dictionary and a thesaurus. Quickly jump from one information source to another (translations, encyclopedia entries, glossaries) simply by clicking the Jump to Dictionary button and selecting a reference source from the list on the left. The results start to display as you type the word with hints provided for matching words.

When you type a word into the search box Ultimate Dictionary, it looks for it in all the dictionaries it contains at once and provides a meaning from each dictionary in which the word was found in the right pane. It contains a collection of around 61 dictionaries, which includes dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries, as well as English, Spanish, French, and Polish word references. Ultimate Dictionary is a free dictionary program for Windows that is easy to install and use.