Immortal Trait (with Sadness Buff) Less Annoying Unflirty Trait Steven Universe Gem Trait Naruto Ninja Career New ActionsFixes Mods New Sims 4 Mods January 2020 This collection of mods all focus on making small tweaks to the base game to make the sims 4 experience all the better. It comes with 45 items in total, with five of those items requiring expansion and stuff packs like University, Laundry Day, and Seasons to function. The pieces are described as having a modern design but also versatility. The custom content Chic Bathroom stuff pack comes with a ton of new decor for your sims bathrooms. Sims 4 Harry Potter Mod Pack Mods All Focus Sims 4 Harry Potter Mod Pack By viepropeltat1982 Follow | Public